
Polly Lessa

dōTERRA Wellness Advocate



Social Media


Polly Lessa is a distinguished dōTERRA Wellness Advocate and a founding member of the company in Brazil. Her journey into the world of essential oils began with a personal quest for natural health and wellness solutions, especially after becoming a mother. Upon discovering dōTERRA, she was captivated by the company’s mission to make essential oils a natural, accessible alternative for health and wellness. Her experience with dōTERRA’s essential oils profoundly improved her physical and emotional balance, inspiring her to influence others around her and consider a new professional trajectory filled with purpose.

As a part of dōTERRA, Polly sees her role as an opportunity to utilize her full potential to make the world a better place while continuing her personal development. She is committed to inspiring and supporting other women to seek the best for their families, whether in terms of physical, emotional, or financial healing. Despite initial challenges, including overcoming personal biases against network marketing, Polly’s dedication to spreading a new lifestyle through dōTERRA has made her a key figure in promoting wellness and natural health alternatives.