
Stone Light

RTD Drink



Brand Strategy 


For those who are looking for lighter, tasty and refreshing alcoholic beverage options, but don’t know/want to prepare drinks. Stone Light is an alcoholic beverage brand that aims to deliver high quality ready-to-drink options with a distinctive flavor, because it believes that moments of fun require lightness, practicality and a touch of refreshment.


The brand’s personality can be defined by the fusion of two archetypes, the main one being the “Jester” and the secondary one being the “Magician”, comedy and magic.

The Jester brings the joy of life, fun, lightness and connection with the present moment as its main characteristics, these being the brand’s main personality traits. The Magician’s attributes will appear secondary, always inserted in happy, fun and light contexts, and may allude to the drinks that are “magically” ready.Â